My soul said, “never give up being who you are. never give up your heart wishes, never give up your wonder, your dreams”.

For more connection to Lg and her story, connect at

Leslie alpha

Before I began to realize my dream as an artist, storyteller, and life coach I spent years living my life responding to it as it appeared in front of me. I felt as if I was on a moving sidewalk, as it guided the direction of my life step by step. There were beautiful things in my life that I wouldn’t change but as I got older I realized I wasn’t doing the choosing. I had created expectations of myself to be the best ‘moment follower’ I could be and that defined my life. I was following what showed up in front of me instead of creating my life. And somewhere along the way I had abandoned my dreams.

A few years ago I experienced, what I call, a ‘boulder’ moment. I had a stroke. Doctors found that I had lived fifty years with a hole in my heart. Once that hole was physically filled I went right back responding to the life I was living. Six months later I was hospitalized with spinal meningitis. I could no longer ignore the signs. I had a choice to make. I could try to keep responding to life and the expectations and limiting beliefs I held, or I could create the life I wanted. I needed to shift my story.

I began to reconnect to the little girl inside of me, my Lg, and the dream she has been holding for me, the original me. I became passionate to create through art and story and guide others to reconnect to their own personal dreams and inner guide; their heart.

I returned to school where I received an Interdisciplinary degree in psychology, education, and art. I wrote and illustrated two books focused on resilience and life’s gifts, Meet Lg, and Dear Heart. Both books based on the story and message of reconnection, resilience, and mindfulness. I have helped people of all ages listen to their hearts and to let go of things that don’t belong to them.

You create your life! There is a place you can go to find your dream and their is a way to keep living your dream and I can help guide you to show up for the life you dream of and to show up for you!

And more recently, with synchronicity being my guide, I stumbled on the work of Nancy Levin and her transformation equation and it gave me more tools to add to my own reinvention and to add to my work with my clients. I am now a Certified Reinvention Life Coach, LLCA

I’d love to help you discover the power of Reinvention Coaching and how you can connect back to YOU!

Using reinvention coaching I will guide you to shift your life from where you are now to where you dream of being, using tools to help dissolve obstacles in your way and step into the life you desire or know you are meant to live.

Let me help you show up for you!

Dream On!